Denture Repairs
If your dentures are causing you any concerns call us on 01625 511131
We understand that getting your dentures repaired as soon as possible is your highest priority. We always aim to turn any dentures repairs around within an hour so you can carry on with your day as soon as possible.
While repairing your teeth we check the following problem areas:
• Loose fitting dentures
• Excessively worn teeth
• Ulcers and gum damage
• Incorrect bite
• Unsupported lip and chin area
Most importantly we will look at how the dentures are affecting your lifestyle:
Are the teeth having a negative effect on your self esteem?
Do you worry about going out for dinner?
Would you like to regain the confidence you once had?
We can discuss the options available to you and then we can begin to
restore your smile!

* Prices may be subject to change